Saturday, April 26, 2014

Round 2 is HERE!

We got a call yesterday. The call I had been waiting for for almost 2 weeks.

It was a sibling group of boys. The oldest not even 18 months old and a brand new baby.

Jonathan and I prayed about it and didn't have any reservations about saying yes. So we did.

Little Mister tested positive for meth when he was born over a year ago and there was an open CPS case already. Baby Boy tested positive for meth at birth as well. We will be getting Baby Boy Monday morning after he is released from the hospital. We have no experience dealing with a situation like this. And I can tell you IT IS ROUGH.

Little Mister adjusted pretty quickly here to the house and the boys. He didn't eat much and didn't seem to know how to use a sippy cup. Bath time turned out to be bath time for me and him. They had warned us that he got "emotional" during baths. Ha! That's putting it blandly. He heard the bath water running and immediately started clawing up me like a cat. He held on to me the whole time we scrubbed him down. As we understand it he came straight from his mom's house (so everything was covered in meth, including him).

Last night proved to be one of the hardest nights of my life. I rocked him and tried to put him in his crib and he screamed. New house, new room, new everything. I get it. I rocked him until he fell asleep on me then tried to transfer him to the crib. Jonathan tag-teamed and patted his back until he was back to sleep. He slept for about 1.5-2 hours and then we were up at 11 with him. This is when I started to suspect he was having withdrawals. His body kept twitching, he couldn't sit still, he was itching and rubbing his face, he was smacking his lips, he was shrieking out in pain.

I moved into the living room because I didn't want our boys to wake up. I was holding him tight, rocking him, singing to him. Nothing was helping. Nothing was comforting him. I began to sob (that actually surprised him and he stopped crying...). "This is so unfair Lord!!!" I cried out. "Why must he suffer the consequences of someone else's stupid, selfish actions?!?" I prayed for healing over him. I prayed for rest. I prayed to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

I sat back down, still crying, and saw Jonathan in the door way. He said, "I heard crying...that wasn't a baby..." He helped me so much last night. Little Mister would not go to Jonathan or get anywhere near him. So Jonathan just sat with me and held my hand. Got Little Mister water. Sat in the mud with me. Little Mister was wide awake from about 11 PM - 4 AM. He woke up every hour until about 8. His little body shaking, fidgeting. Jonathan still woke up at 6 AM and corralled our boys in their room for a few hours so Little Mister and I could sleep.

I asked my friend, Kayla, this morning the signs of withdraw and she replied, "smacking, sucking, itching, twitching, extreme irritability, scratching, was the night?" To which I replied, "You just described my night!"

We then went to watch Blake play baseball and really enjoyed getting out of the house for a bit. It warmed my heart (and always does) when Kayla and Joe loved on Little Mister.

I have cried a lot already and we're not even at 24 hours. My heart breaks for him. I feel so helpless. I am so exhausted. Patience and love as Kayla told me. But it's got to be from Jesus because I'm already through my supply. Oh Jesus, come be our strength and patience and love.

Would you pray with us? Little Mister will hopefully be tested Monday to see if there is meth in his hair follicle. That could determine how this is going to end. The plan as of now is reunification. And then there's the fact that come Monday morning we will have a 4 day old.

We love seeing redemption that comes through Jesus. We love doing this fostering thing together. But seriously the support group that we have in family and friends makes this journey so much richer. That's probably another reason I've been crying so much already. The outpour of encouragement and prayer we've already received humbles me so much. We appreciate you. We are thankful for the friendships. Thank you for coming along on our journey. We will continue to update you as we learn.


  1. God loves what you are doing and He is going to supply you with all the strength, patience and love you are going to need. We will continue to pray for you. We love you!
    Aunt Dee & Uncle Randy

  2. Bless each one of you Mitchells! I'm just amazed at the work of God in you guys. Thanks for sharing your story and for being brave..letting Jesus be BRAVE in you. With big admiration, and gratitude for people like you guys and the love of Jesus that shines in his people, Chris and Lauren Swonke
