Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I'm THAT mom...

It happened. Something I thought wouldn't happen to me...at least not with only two kids. I forgot to pick up my kid from preschool. 

Today my brain decided to stop working on me. I got it in my head that Luke's preschool was finished at 2:45pm. I woke Parker up from his nap, changed his diaper and loaded up in the car. As I'm backing out of the garage I look at the clock... 2:35pm. Hmm that doesn't seem right. And then the panic came over me. He's done at 2:30pm!!!!!!

I'm speeding to get there and getting stuck behind every slow car driving in Abilene. As I'm pulling in the parking lot at church they call me and say "Hi. We just wanted to let you know we have Luke in the office." Oh my gosh!!! I apologize profusely and say I'm pulling in now. This is when my brain left me. I go to the church's main office (though that sweet lady probably said the CDC office) and the receptionist is on the phone. I forgot my manners and almost started the whole lip syncing conversation to find out what I needed to know. I think she saw the cray cray mom look in my eyes and ended her conversation very quickly. She then pointed me in the right direction. 

I drive down to the other entrance and again I go brain dead forgetting where every single office in that church is located (I've walked past them all for almost a year going to Bible studies...). I walk all the halls in the nursery and obviously find nothing. Some nice teachers walking out point me the the hallway of nothing but offices...I run in and start looking around. A lady that I have never met before calls to me, "He's in here!" Do I look as panicked as I feel? Yes. Yes I did. I walk in and Luke's just chatting it up with the office ladies. He laughs, "Mommy, were you running late?" Um.. yea let's go with that... The lady tells Luke, "Don't forget your toy!" and he proceeds to tell me that he got to pick a toy out of the "treasure chest"(though I'm pretty sure it's a box of toys for kids whose parents forget what time to get them). Y'all it's week 3. I should know the schedule by now! Sheesh!

I apologize profusely to Luke and we head to the car. I ask if he wants Sonic to buy back his love treat him after school. He agrees not sure what to make of crazy Mommy. I call my mom on the way to Sonic and tell her the whole saga. I tell her "I'm such a horrible mom!!" and Luke heard me and said, "You're not a horrible mom!" Bless him. I love having the privilege of being Mommy to these boys. I'm glad they know that I love them to the moon and back even if I forget what time school is finished. 

 Clearly he's a happy camper after a cherry slush from Sonic!

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