Friday, March 19, 2010

Update on Mommy and Daddy

Since my last post was really long and all about our sweet baby boy, I thought I would have a separate post for an update on Luke's parents. :)

Jonathan is getting closer and closer to graduation! He is in the final stages of compiling his dissertation and will defend at the end of April. He continues to work hard at school, his dissertation, papers to be published, tutoring along with balancing family time. He is such a hard worker and it really inspires and encourages me.

He is still in the process of job searching. He was asked to visit Tarleton State University in Stephenville, Texas for a two-day interview and he felt like it went well. That was at the end of February and we still haven't heard back from them. He has recently been invited to Hardin Simmons University in Abilene, Texas for an interview. I will be going with him to look around Abilene. He has accepted a summer job at Richland Community College here in Dallas and will go through August.

These past few months have been very hard on us. We have been stretched thinner than we both thought possible! But the Lord is good! And sovereign! And provides! As hard as it is right now I find joy in knowing that God is in control of everything! We don't know where, when or who Jonathan will be working for but we have a peace, that can only come from our Father, that everything will work out and we will be fine. There's not enough space on this blog to write out all the little ways God has been faithful to our sweet little family and we don't take that for granted.

Ok now that I'm off my soapbox :) on to me!

I absolutely love being home with Luke! Playing with him, reading to him and being just plain silly with him. It's a lot of work and Jonathan is gracious to understand that somedays I just don't get around to the kitchen and that some nights are just going to have to be frozen pizza nights. I enjoy my little projects....frames, cards, goodies.

My current project focus is on Jonathan's graduation lunch. When he found out we were doing this he asked, "You're not going to go all out are you?" To that I replied, "Well of course I am honey! That's what I do!!" So I'm working on some creative ways to turn Jonathan's work ("Modeling Antigenic Variation in a Malaria Infection with Immune Response and State-Dependent Delay") into a fun graduation lunch party for all the rest of us air heads! :) It's quite the challenge! I'll be sure and post pictures of the outcome.

I am also doing the Women's Ministry Bible Study again this semester at our church. I have really enjoyed the study and absolutely love getting to know the sweet ladies in my group. I also love that my group consists of young moms, moms of teenagers, single ladies and grandmothers. I also go to a ladies dinner once a month at the home of an elder's wife. I enjoy that sweet alone time with just the girls too! We always end by sharing our struggles and prayer requests. I'm realizing more and more how important alone time with the girls is!

So that's a quick update on our lives. We'll be sure to keep you posted on the job front with Jonathan. We are so thankful for your love, encouragement, support and prayer!

Also, here's a link to some of my recent projects.

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