Friday, March 19, 2010

Luke at 13 months!

It's so crazy to watch this little miracle keep growing and growing! I am still shocked my baby is one and it's already been another month... 13 months!!! Oh my goodness soon he'll be going to kindergarten and then graduating high school! Ok so maybe I'm getting a little ahead of myself. :)

Jonathan and I find out everyday just what a bundle of joy our little Lukester is! He is talking constantly pointing to the things he can say: ball, 'chee' (tree), 'melmo' (elmo), mama, dada, 'dada' (hat), dog, book, 'oosh' (shoe) and 'nana' (banana). These are just a few that he says really well and doesn't include all the words he thinks he can say and tries very hard at. The funny thing is he calls hats 'dadas'. Well I think it's funny...but Jonathan takes it personally. :) I think it's cute. He just knows that his Daddy wears hats all the time.

Luke is walking everywhere and climbing and falling and getting banged up like little boys are supposed to. He is also trying to figure out just how far he can push Mommy and Daddy but mainly Mommy. I often spank his hand easily 10 times in a row because he repeatedly disobeys me. You might wonder does a 13 month old really understand what he's doing is wrong? My answer... YES!!! After every touch of the computer or touch of the trash can he likes right at me to see what I'm going to do about it. I swear I see myself in my baby child already and it makes me nervous for the teenage years! Jonathan and I continue to discuss and pray how to best parent Luke. Hopefully he will turn out alright! :)

We gave Luke his first haircut tonight. I just about cried while I was cutting those precious baby locks off. He did pretty well. He squirmed around but there were some brief moments where he sat perfectly still! He just looks so big now!

Here are some recent pictures and videos:

New haircut
Resting his head!
Getting some pointers from Pops!

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