Thursday, July 25, 2013

Sandra's Story

So I'm a crier...If you know me, you know it doesn't take much. Like the year my baby sister went to college I saw that Jif peanut butter commercial where the mom sends her daughter (who just recently left home to go to college) a care package with peanut butter in it. And I came undone. And Bekah doesn't even like peanut butter!?! Really I'm not the only one. I come from a long line of criers. 

Anywho...all that to say that during our trip to Zambia this year Jonathan and I seemed to switch roles. I was a blubbering idiot when I went last year and this year I maybe cried twice this trip. What?!? I'm still not sure...

One of those times that I cried was when I had my blessing time with sweet Sandra. 

Each American counselor at Camp LIFE typically has 10 kids for the week. On Monday, I learned we had 11 girls! Then on Tuesday, one of my Zambian partners went to get the girls their oranges and came back with Sandra. She said she was in our group now. I learned later that she was basically jumping up and down to get Sandra in our group. Love how the Lord works!

After seeing Sandra my mind was racing wondering what had happened to her leg and hand. One of the great things about Camp LIFE is being able to get to know these kids personally and find out how their home situation is. If Family Legacy needs to get involved and if the child needs to be removed from the home. I sat down with my Zambian partner and Sandra and prayed that Magdalene would be able to word the questions more eloquently than I.

We found out that Sandra had lost her father. She lived with her mother (who had remarried and had two children with Sandra's step-father) and her younger brother. We found out that Sandra's mother was talking to someone on a train and then it started to move. Sandra thought her mother got on and was leaving her so she tried to get on. She slid under the train and lost her leg and two fingers on her right hand. Guys, I'm going to go ahead and stop right here and confess that I am a light weight! I get crazy queasy just thinking about blood. As I waited for Magdalene to translate what Sandra was saying about the accident I prayed and prayed that I would be able to receive it. The Lord answered my prayer and I was able to keep asking questions.

Praying over one of Jonathan's boys

She was unconscious for months in the hospital. The doctors decided that it would be too hard to just amputate the two fingers so they amputated halfway down her palm. She is just now getting back some of her memory of it. So she didn't remember when it had happened.

Sometime after she was out of the hospital, her uncle forced her out to the village away from her mother. Her aunt mistreated her because she had a crutch. She would literally chase her out of the house saying "You are messing up my house by making holes (from her crutch) in my floor!" and would go days without giving Sandra food. While she was there a man approached her saying he could help get her food. She met up with him and soon realized that he wanted to sleep with her. She knew it was wrong, and get this, was able to outrun him on one leg and a crutch. Is the Almighty God awesome or what?! Her mother fought to get her back and was able to bring her home recently. 

Here's where the situation gets a little hairy. Sandra's step-father rejects her and her brother. Like chases them out of the house and they have to squat wherever they can find space to. Her mother doesn't have a job and is unable to provide for them. She longs to be with her other children (Sandra's half-siblings) but she will not leave Sandra and her brother. Sandra is 12 years old. She can figure out what's going on and sometimes puts the blame on herself.

As if all that isn't enough read her answers to my questions...
What do you want to be when you grow up? "If God will let me get educated, I want to be a nurse."
Do you feel loved by God? "If it wasn't for God I would have died!"
Have you trusted Jesus as your Savior? "So so much!"

She does not sit around and mope because of her circumstances. She praises the One who allowed her to live (regardless of the condition). She knows so much at her age about the Sovereign Lord. Her contagious joy convicted the heck out of me. She got around better than I did sometimes that week. I'm not kidding!! I would try to go around big steps or trenches and she would just jump over them! Bless her.

Sandra (left), Sizwane & Ruth after we painted nails

Before we finished our time together I asked her what I could pray for. She said, "That I can start going to school like other children. For peace at home with my step-father and my mother who is having to go between her husband and children. That I would have a good life like other children."

It was too much. She left to go sit back with the group and I talked to Magdalene (or tried as I sobbed). You know it wasn't her accident or living conditions that got me. It was the joy of the Lord that got me good. I am so grateful that my partner jumped up and down for this girl to be in my group this week. I needed her and I needed the reminder that God is a just, loving and sovereign God no matter what.

Another blessing in the midst of this was that Zambia's Child Protective Unit was out at camp interviewing the kids that we were finding in the lowest of conditions. I was able to sit in with Sandra during her interview with them on Friday. I had not a clue what they were saying, but I saw her strength that she got from Jesus and I sat there like a proud momma! They scheduled a follow-up appointment with her and her mother so they can make a better decision if she should become a member of Family Legacy's Tree of Life.

Please pray for Sandra. For protection and for provision of food. Pray that her mother will make a decision that is best for Sandra and will feel a peace about it. Sandra's story touched my heart so and I hope it did the same to you!

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