Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter 2011

This Easter was Parker's first and a little different because we got to stay at home. We decided a day trip with two little ones on a Sunday didn't really sound like a lot of fun! So we got to go to our home church and we made it to the early service, 8:00 AM!! The service was amazing... from what I could tell from the Mother's room. :) They preformed a drama and had worship songs and preaching throughout. It was so powerful to see the sacrifice Jesus made for us then hear why He did it then worship Him through the song "He Loves Us." It was all very moving.

When we got home, Jonathan read the Easter story from Luke's Bible. And when we asked Luke, "What happened three days after Jesus died?" He responded excitedly, "He rose again!!" Even though he doesn't understand the weight of that statement just yet... it still melts my heart. :)

Then Luke and Parker got to open their Easter baskets. I don't think Luke remembers doing that last year, but he was excited about getting new goodies none the less!

Then we headed outside and took some family pictures.

That afternoon we were getting ready to host our Life Group's Easter get together (which had to be rescheduled) but ended up hanging out in the closet waiting for the tornadoes, hail and thunderstorms to pass over us. We did get to watch the hail fall before we had to take cover.

All in all it was an Easter full of memories!

1 comment:

  1. Your boys are precious Katy! What a blessing. Happy Easter!
