Saturday, August 8, 2009

Solid Foods and Sitting Up!

A few weeks ago my friend Jess came over to help me make baby food for Luke. We had a blast and I really enjoyed the experience. I made enough butternut squash to last until after Labor Day! We tried the squash first and Luke really liked it. He made a funny face at first, but kept opening his mouth. :) A few days later we tried pears. He made more of a funny face with the pears than the squash! Here are a few pictures...

Luke just turned 6 months old this past week! I can not believe he is already a half a year old. Time has really flown by. He is such a joy to me and Jonathan and we are so blessed by our little miracle. He never ceases to amaze us with his entertainment.

He just recently started to sit up on his own. He is still wobbly but can get from the crawling position to the sitting up position all by himself! I have lined our entertainment center and the hearth of the fireplace with pillows just in case! He isn't quite crawling yet, but likes to get on his hands and knees and rock back and forth. He even gets up on his hands and FEET sometimes! Here are a few pictures of him sitting up...

I can even sit on top of my Daddy!!!!

1 comment:

  1. So exciting! He is getting so big and adorable. Keep the posts coming. :)
